Aluminum, thanks to its features, is used for many types of applications. However It requires particular care, specifically about the surface pretreatment. Before proceeding with any plating, the aluminum layer needs to be as much as possible cleaned from impurities, oxides, salts and any dirt residuals.
Pretreatment depends on the type of Aluminum, those can be an extrusion alloy, relatively pure, or a fusion alloy, of completely different nature.
Since there are two types of aluminum that consist of different types of alloys, it is necessary to provide specific types of treatment cycles for each different type of aluminum.
Types of treatments
Glomax has formulated a dedicated product line specifically for aluminum coatings and treatments that includes:
Aluminum passivation
ALBATROS is a chemical conversion that at different product concentration can be applied as a:
Aluminum passivation
- Surface protection
- Painting primer
It can be applied both with dip and spray techniques.
Electroless nickel
ENDURANCE AL is an electroless nickel finishing for aluminum that, applied after the cementation process, releases an active and tight deposit on the surface.
Electroless nickel
This finishing prepares the surface for the next chemical and electrolytic treatments. ENDURANCE AL ph is alkaline and it doesn’t chemically stick on zinc deposits.
Zincate for aluminum
CEMENTAL is Glomax product solution for aluminum and its alloys.
This process line includes:
- CEMENTAL 200: Free cyanide zincate process, easy to manage with great adhesion for applying following surface treatments.
Zincate for aluminum
- CEMENTAL 300: Zincate process suitable before the application of copper plating or nickel plating.
Both of them guarantee good adhesion for applying following surface finishings and they have low operating costs.
Aluminum pickling
Glomax Aluminum pickling process includes products with different features depending on the types of aluminum alloys to be treated.
Nitric acid free aluminum pickling process.
This product is formulated to eliminate the residual glaze over aluminum alloys surfaces, in particular over the die-cast surfaces in strong presence of copper and silicon.
DENES AL 20 operates without nitric acid avoiding all those depuration problems caused by the nitrates use.
Decapaggio per alluminio
- ZENIT 30
Acids mixed formulation developed for aluminum and its alloys pickling before the zincate process.
It is a liquid solution with no foam, easy to manage.
Degreasing for aluminum
GRIMAX AL N 100 is a chemical degreasing for aluminum and its alloys.
- Dip application
- Slightly alkaline
- Silicates free
GRIMAX ALC 10 has been specifically formulated for aluminum and zamak but it can be applied also for zinc fusions and other reactive metals. It has a great degreasing and dabbing power.
Degreasing for aluminum
GRIMAX ALC 10 is suggested as a degreasing for aluminum before the following treatments:
- Electrodeposition
- Chromatization
- Anodic oxidation
- Polishing
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